Tuesday, March 27, 2012

You Are Loved!

My dear friends,

It has been a LONG time since I have written an update...my apologies.

Well we are currently towards the end of lent, but these next weeks are important.
 It is a time to realize
                                                              YOU ARE LOVED!

                                                   Jesus is on that cross out of love for you!

Lent is meant to be a time of renewal of our love for Him. 
Look at Him.

Jesus on the cross is meant to give us hope. The cross isn't just about pain and suffering, but it is him showing you how much you are worth .He was thinking of you while He was on the cross. He wanted to prove to you that you are worth dying for. He knew that in no other way would you be brought into union with God. He didn't do it because it was easy or felt good, but it was a testament to true love. He was faithful and obedient to love even when it hurt and even when it cost Him his life.

 He was willing do it all for you so that you could finally truly be free and experience true love in him. 

At times the closer one is to Chris the more He allows us to join Him on the cross not out of tormenting us but to allow us to experience what love is. love hurts. love is sacrifice and God will never be outdone in generosity. 
In these times that we might experience a sense of suffering we are meant to offer it up for those we love. 

Jesus came to offer up his life for us and we are called to do the same. In the moments of trial or desolation that we experience we must remain faithful and obedient to Him, but we offer up that struggle for the sanctification of others. God is allowing us to partake in His salvation mission. Not that the cross isn't already complete in its mission, but instead we are given the opportunity to love. To love until it hurts. To be part of the living sacrifice in order to change the world. 

Wherever you may be at this lent... maybe you have done well and been faithful... or maybe a week into it you quit and said it was pointless. Regardless of where you are at... He in this moment is asking you for a small yes.

Sometimes we tend to think God wants HUGE commitments from us (which He does) but it doesn't require so much from our end because we will always fail, but instead He needs a small, faithful yes and an open heart. 

Don't look at your weaknesses and say I will never be a Saint. Instead, Lord I can't do this without you purify me into sanctity. 

Our weaknesses are not meant to hinder us and keep us enslaved to the devil instead they are meant to free us because we have to cling to Christ, who ultimately is the truth, the life and the way!

So finish this Lenten season strong and with Hope. Renew your promises to Christ everyday be faithful and obedient and if you fail tomorrow then get up and do it again. Ask for Mercy. He comes to us on that cross with loving mercy and He wants us to just open our hearts and receive all the graces He has in store for us. 

Never give up... Christ has already conquered death! We must just continue to fight for our lives.Christ needs to come and find us fighting. He doesn't say He will only come when we are perfect. If He came while we were still sinners and denied Him how much more is he willing to come if we have an open heart. 

Please continue to pray for our mission here at Christ in the City. Pray for next years missionaries both our year-long and summer group. Pray that we may all live out the Lords mission with zeal.

I especially ask for your prayers for a friend of mine that I met on the street it is his birthday today, his name is Daniel.
Thank you!

-In His loving grip