Thursday, August 4, 2011

I love you this much...

I cry at the thought of good bye's, but I have come to accept they are a part of life. The only thing that is constant is change! Everytime I get ready to say good bye I always feel like I need to show people how much they are loved. I believe each person deserves to know how much they are loved at every moment, but the reality is we are human and we are fallen. Everytime I begin to say good bye I scramble to gather my words and hopefully get closure from my friends and let them know how much I love them. I realized this time around that I fail to truly love in the way that I ought.  The beauty is everytime we feel unloved, ignored, forgotten or alone...we aren't.

                                  Jesus is on that cross saying "I love you this much!"

Transitions for me (or for any of us) are not very easy. It is a time were I realize how much I have grown since my last transition and how much I have yet to grow. The Lord in every moment is trying to show us look I love you this much. I am up on this cross so that you can be free. Free to love.

I once heard that the Lord first bled from his heart in the agnoy in the garden. As he knelt and ask God the Father if there was any other way to let the cup pass from Him, but He knew that this was a purpose only He could fulfill. It is the same for each one of us. No matter how hard it is to transition into the new phase of life we are the only ones that can do the work that we are called to do. It is not always easy and many times I have thought Lord please pick someone else. I can't do this. The truth is I can't, but He CAN. I realized how much i need to trust in the Lord... He is our Father. He has not given us a cross that is too heavy. We each are able to do His will only with His help it is only in the moments that we try to do things on our own that we dispair and fail. We must remember that we each are created for the journey we are on. He wants to love us best in the very place we are at. Here and Now!

I realized I needed to say yes to the Lord because each one of our yes' affects whether other people are able to say yes to God as well. It matters. my yes matters. If it wasn't for the people that said yes to the Lord before me I would not be as free to say yes to Him. Your Yes Matters!Look at that cross and embrace it...the Lord loves you this much and He will always fight for you because YOU matter. Every one of us matters and the Lord loves us all. He hangs on that cross which we each put Him on and says, "I Love You This Much! Trust that I have a plan for you!"

I am sad to leave you all, but I thank God for each one of you in my life because without you I could not be the person that I am, so thank you! Thank you for showing me Christ's love. Words cannot sum up how blessed I am to have been on this earth as the same time as you and that God allowed our paths to cross.

Currently I have arrived safely in Denver, CO. I am all moved in and I am living with 9 other wonderful women of God. There is in total 14 missionaries please keep us in your prayers as we strive to do the Lord's will in our lives and show the city of Denver Christ's unconditional love.

Pray for me and I will pray for you. See you in the Eucharist!


  1. Your blog post made me cry today at work. Sweet.

  2. Miss Irma,

    You always know exactly what to say to challenge your friends, but remind them how much you love them. Thank you for being such a beautiful example of loving IN Truth.

    I cannot WAIT to see you in a week :)
