Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Year of Transition

It has been almost a year since my last post and it has been a year of transitions.
God has blessed me abundantly and very tenderly shown me how much He loves me.

As I think about being in a house with 10 other women serving with Christ in the City it all seems like a dream that I had a long long time ago. I miss it very dearly,  but the Lord has a particular plan for each of us and it is not always (rarely) that we stay put on the mountain with Him. Instead we are called to venture into the world and continue to serve in all the different venues we are called.

I am currently still in Denver, CO. I was fortunate enough to be given a job doing one of the apostolates that I was doing while i was a missionary. Doing Hispanic Ministry Outreach in the community of Sheridan, Co.

My living situation is no longer with 10 women, but just one. She is 85 years old woman and a blessing to give me housing as i continue to let the Lord prepare me for the next step in my life (whatever that may be). She is a riot and I admire her very much.

To wrap things from this past year up I would say:

1.) God's Unconditional love- the Lord loves each and everyone of us in a very unique way and it is very evident in how he unveils our plans before us. Yet, His love has nothing to do with what we do or dont do, but just because we are.

2.) Charity- Last year it we were given a very tangible way to serve others and now as we move on to jobs, school and other vocations it becomes a reality that charity is at the center of it all, but will look differently in each state of life. But we must continue to love at all costs. As the Little Sisters of the Lamb say, "Wounded, I will never cease to love."

3.) Community- Community is essential in our Christian life and we must be bold to seek it out. We must trust that the Lord has put us in a particular place to find community. During our Christian we need each other because since the beginning of our faith God has called Saints in the very least pairs, but never alone.

As I move forward in my life I realized how these 3 things i must continue to strive to have in my life as a constant reminder of what my ultimate horizon is HEAVEN.

As we to enter into this Lenten Season may we prepare our hearts to accept His unconditional love, in order that we may live out this Charity with the support of those around us.

May we offer all of our suffering for our Pope Benedict XVI and his successor.

Thank you for supporting Christ in the City through your prayers. I urge you to continue to do so in particular for the past, present and future missionaries that they may be able to give themselves freely to God through their mission.

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