Monday, October 3, 2011


The Lord has given us freewill to choose how we are to live our lives, but this does not mean that there isn't a way of life that is actually more fulfilling to who we are as human beings because their actually is a right and a wrong path. This truth hurts especially in our society where people don't want to hurt another feelings or just want to avoid difficult conversations for their own sake, but the reality is that everything our world has to offer isn't always beneficial for growth in virtue and if we don't grow in virtue then you are not fulfilling your own humanity.

Life is hard and we are constantly faced with difficult decisions, but the beauty is we don't have to do it alone and there are many who have gone before us and have been able to make the right decisions.
Our commitment to live life for Christ is a radical one. If we think its going to be a walk in the park; we are wrong. It is actually going to be a walk up to Calvary for our own crucifixion. I know this might sound really intense and possibly too much, but what else are we on this earth for?

We are pilgrims on a journey to Heaven. God will definitely give you the grace to be able to live for Him, but He needs everything you have. He needs  your 100% commitment that you will do everything in your power to choose Him. This might mean something different for everyone. We are not all called to be missionaries to the homeless in a third world country, but we are Christians on a mission and we need to figure what that looks life for our own unique lives.

The same way God called us into being, which was uniquely different for each one of us the same way God calls us to serve Him on this earth. The biggest thing we must remember is we were created to love and be loved. What are you doing to better love and receive love from the people you encounter each day?

I truly believe that aspect of privacy and comfort are the 2 big lies that our world sells us that we have all bought into. We want our own space, we don't want people to know what going on in our lives, but yet at the same time we desire people to be with us. Therefore, we have a screening process for people to see if they are worthy of being let in and loving them. Can you image if Jesus did that? If when someone approached Him He would have have said okay after three months I will evaluate whether you are worth loving. I understand the argument when people say that we are not Jesus, but the reality is that is a lie.

We were created in the image and likeness of God. We were created to be Christ's to each other to love one another as He has loved us. We can only love others because we were loved first by God. so why do we have more reservations to love those around us? is it because we are afraid of being hurt? What if loving that person next to you the way God loves you would change their lives? Is a little bit of hurt a small price to pay for the greater glory of God? Is the walk up to Calvary a small price to pay in order to be united in the Resurrection?

We are called to live in this world while having our eyes set on the Kingdom. We have been giving the ability to choose. He is not going to force us into one thing or the other, but as God is trying to lead us on the right path at the same time the evils of this world are trying to evangelize us too. Except everything they sell seems great, but always falls short.

We have to put our hand in Jesus' hand and walk ahead because if we look back we will want to go back. (Mother Teresa I believe...) The things of this world which are empty, seem appealing and we desire them because essentially the world is good because it is God's creation, but it has been corrupted by sin and now only appears good. Also, the reality is that sometimes we are called to leave things which are good for the sake of our own salvation. for example: family. Family will always be something that holds us back, but God comes before everything including family. You think Jesus wanted to leave Mama Mary? No, but He knew that for the greater good of man He had to do what He was put on earth to do. Only He could fulfill that mission. The same is with us. We all have a mission that is unique to us and no one else can fulfill it, so we must say Yes and live out that commitment no matter how hard it gets. Remember it will hurt, but it will not harm you.

The passage that renews this commitment to me is Luke 9: 57-62:
As Jesus and his disciples were proceeding
on their journey, someone said to him,
"I will follow you wherever you go."
Jesus answered him,
"Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests,
but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head."
And to another he said, "Follow me."
But he replied, "Lord, let me go first and bury my father."
But he answered him, "Let the dead bury their dead.
But you, go and proclaim the Kingdom of God."
And another said, "I will follow you, Lord,
but first let me say farewell to my family at home."
Jesus answered him, "No one who sets a hand to the plow
and looks to what was left behind is fit for the Kingdom of God."

Let us have the courage to say Yes to the Lord and actually do what we say we will do. He doesn't disappoint and everything we give up on this earth for the sake of the Kingdom will be re payed in Heaven. He will give us the grace we need in order to do His will, but we must ask for that. May we be open to the road that God has for us to walk on in this life no matter how difficult and uncomfortable it may be.

As a dear housemate always says how long is it going to take for us to finally be uncomfortable with being comfortable.

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